These Swedish desserts are traditionally served on Fat Tuesday, but nowadays they are happily eaten as often as they can be found. We love that these are...
This chicken dish is straight from the Szechuan province of China and it is hot! It is known in China as Chong Qing Lazi Ji. Unfortunately, substituting...
A bountiful medley of beans and vegetables. This easy curry can be made in minutes. Increase or decrease the spices to suit your taste. Serve over rice...
Family-friendly baked pasta can be made a day ahead and baked before dinner. A big hit in my family! The roasted vegetables add a lot of depth of flavor....
This is a fun, healthy recipe to change up your Mexican meals. Bet you almost can't tell that there isn't meat! Use as substitute for meat in tacos, enchiladas,...
This is a recipe that was in my Grandmother's personal recipe collection. It translates from German to Cold Dog. It is very delicious layered cake that...
A great Thai dish that is a favorite of my wife. Serve with jasmine rice, tomato and cucumber slices, and additional cilantro sprinkled on top. The contrast...
My grandmother used to make these when I was a little girl. When I was old enough to realize that I needed to get her delicious recipes, she showed me...
This is a Filipino recipe which was carried down to me. I just added the jalapeno for spice and used the chicken wings. You can use pork or whole cut up...
This is hands down the easiest and most delicious curry I have ever made. It's my own personal twist on Aloo Gobi, a traditionally dry Indian dish consisting...
This is a traditional Greek salad with green pepper, tomato, cucumber, red onion and feta cheese. If you have like kalamata olives, add them for extra...
Thought of making some roll-ups and didn't find anything both me and my wife would like, so I just came up with these rotisserie chicken lasagna roll-ups....
Cao lau is made with noodles, pork, and greens traditionally found only in the town of Hoi An, Vietnam. This recipe approximates authentic cao lau with...
This recipe is great for people who do not have much of a sweet tooth. For those who love sweet things, you can add as much sugar as you want to suit your...
The perfect burst of Mexican flavors paired with slow-cooked pulled pork makes an ideal base for tacos that everyone will love. Serve with small corn or...
This is a vegetable dish from the Philippines that can be served as an everyday dish or when you have company. Since it also contains pork and prawns,...
A classic authentic chicken pad Thai made simpler than most other recipes. Additional vegetables such as eggplant, squash, peppers, green beans, broccoli,...
An authentic Iranian dish featuring boneless lamb in a marinade of garlic, lime, and saffron. Serve hot with plain rice (polow or chelow) or on Middle...
Why choose takeout when you can make this at home in the Instant Pot® with better results? This recipe can easily be doubled to feed four. You'll just...
This recipe is simplified using boxed cake mix. It becomes delicately moist and rich, spiked with a hint of coffee-flavored liqueur. It's amazing, with...
Spaghetti is cooked like a risotto in fresh clam sauce for a flavor-packed dish. A few simple ingredients can create this delicious pasta dish that will...
My husband created this recipe as a great alternative to traditional lasagna because it substitutes cottage cheese for ricotta and has a ton of veggies....
This is my favorite recipe for Kung Pao chicken. It tastes like the one from my favorite Chinese place. It is quick and easy too. Serve with warm cooked...
One of the 4 quintessential 'primi' from the Lazio region in Italy, this pasta is beautiful in its simplicity with soft guanciale and tangy Pecorino cheese....
Easy to make and bursting with flavor, this risotto uses barley instead of rice for an extra nutritional punch. This is a hearty and filling meat-free...
For those who make their own preserves or jellies, this is a real opportunity to show them off. This recipe has been handed down four generations, and...
These madeleines are the real deal. This recipe gives foolproof step-by-step instructions so that you can make perfect madeleines right in your own kitchen....